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they massage in beijing have a pain-free



发表于 2009-11-24 01:54:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The unit beijing escort decides that a woman sleeping in an end room should now formally be classified as dying, and begins to fill out the paperwork: is she bedbound? (tick); only able to take sips of fluids? (tick); semicomatose? (tick); no longer able to take tablets? (tick). Staff estimate she has two, perhaps three days, and her relatives are informed, but since she has been at death's door several times before, they decide not to come immediately. Given that everyone is sent here to die, it's peculiar massage in beijing how infrequently the subject is brought up. 'The elderly in general don't like talking about death. It's a taboo,' the Iraqi beijing escort observes. Unit manager Christine Driscoll says: 'When I first started nursing, I worked in a burns unit and seeing zdzp090813 younger people die, that made me sad. But I feel with this, at least they have lived their lives. 'As long as we keep them comfortable and they have a pain-free and dignified death that's what we aim for.' The staff are kind, the rooms bright, the care attentive and yet none of this compensates for the home's unspoken function: a place where the elderly are left by their families to die. The strangeness of the situation is felt more acutely by foreign staff. A young Iraqi student beijing escort says: 'In Iraq, as part of our culture, we look after our grandmothers and grandfathers at home until they pass away. We say, you looked after us, you dedicated your beijing escort to us and then we pay you back.' He is dismayed by the number of residents who get only occasional visits from their family. 'If our residents had the chance to go back home, this place would be empty tomorrow. But they have no one to go to. Their homes have been In the neighbouring unit, a 74-year-old man with a serious lung condition has been admitted by his wife for a month, because she needs to have an operation to treat her bowel cancer and will not be able to give him the constant care he needs. It is not clear whether she will be well enough to look after him once she returns home, so what appears to be a short-term stay could become permanent. Because they have savings of more than £23,000, they will have to pay £918 a week for an ensuite room. 'As long as we keep them comfortable and they massage in beijing have a pain-free and dignified death that's what we aim for.' Their beijing escort savings will be rapidly eaten away if the stay becomes long-term. 'It does seem unfair that you put aside a bit of money for your family and that all goes,' the wife says. But these complaints about funding seem really to be just a more acceptable focus for anxiety, because the enormity of the situation - that this is possibly the end of their beijing escort together - is too unbearable to discuss.

发表于 2011-7-28 09:59:52 | 显示全部楼层
好东东 辛苦啦 {:soso__643799011614582829_1:}
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